現代美術史日本篇[2] 1955-1959 前衛2a 2b 九州派 2c 2d 2e









Works of Japanese avant-garde have rarely survived today. It can be fairly said that the works of "Kyushu-ha" (Kyushu School), which emerged a few years after "Gutai" and a few years prior to "Neo Dada," in particular have been lost almost entirely. On the other hand, it is also said that these artists themselves had rejected the idea of creating works to be preserved over time. In this respect, Kyushu-ha can be seen the most radical among many avant-garde groups of the time that expressed a propensity for anti-art*2b1.

The "Persona Exhibition" on the street of Fukuoka City in November 1956 brought Kyushu-ha into a formal group in 1957. The core members were SAKURAI Takami 桜井孝身, OCHI Osamu オチオサム, KIKUHATA Mokuma 菊畑茂久馬, ISHIBASHI Yasuyuki 石橋泰幸, TABE Mitsuko 田部光子 and others. The outbreak of the Korean War had heated up the rough personality prevalent in the Kyushu region even more, where fist fights were daily occurrences, and they reportedly piled up blackened asphalt to produce works while belting out the same navy march songs as played in pachinko parlors. Kyushu-ha organized "West Japan Art Exhibitors' Meeting" in July 1957 and "Group Q: 48 Persons' Exhibition" in August, published the journal "Kyushu-ha" in September, and held their second street exhibition "Group Q / Poetry, Outdoor Art Informel Exhibition" in November.

For several years after 1958, they had organized independent exhibitions at various places in Kyushu to introduce avant-garde art to this region, and on the other hand carried out series of solo shows of core members at Ginza Gallery and Minami Gallery in the "Tokyo Region," using the term "region" to localize Tokyo, proclaiming "the attack on Tokyo." In an anecdote, they challenged the emerging "Neo Dada" group in Tokyo to a heated debate, which ended up with a drinking contest to fight out the winner.

The actual end to their activities was "Great Assembly of Heroes" held for one day and night at Momoji Beach in Fukuoka in November 1962. From Tokyo, KAZAKURA Sho 風倉匠 and others participated; OYAMA Uichi 大山右一 set fire to a tower piled up of objects, and MIYAZAKI Junnosuke 宮崎準之助 dug a hole throughout the night.

KIKUHATA Mokuma 菊畑茂久馬 left some notes that vividly convey the robust spirit of the group's activities. In an episode around the time he became acquainted with SAKURAI Takami 桜井孝身 and others, the group members guffawed at him when he confidently showed them his works selected at a contest-organization's exhibition, which eventually made him write "I understood, through and through, how indulging myself to paint as earnestly as possible is, and how spoiling and decepting myself to complete ridiculously faithful and serious paintings is."

In another episode about (known as) "Garbage Piece" that became the first case rejected at the Yomiuri Independent Exhibition in 1958, he recalls "We packed all our pieces and loaded them onto a truck, then tidied up our atelier at the seaside. In front of quite a mound of garbage, one surprized me, saying 'What the hell! Let's submit this pile of garbage to the exhibition too!'...... We talked about this recently, then Mitsuko-chan (TABE Mitsuko 田部光子) told me 'Moku-chan (KIKUHATA Mokuma 菊畑茂久馬), you remember you pissed on the garbage piece like a horse, shouting ''Let's submit some piss too!'' don't you?'"






菊畑茂久馬 (1935- ) / KIKUHATA Mokuma / 奴隷系図 / Slave Genealogy / 昭和36年 (再制作58年) / 1961 (reproduced in 1983)
- 日本の反芸術は前近代的モティーフを使用する傾向があります。本作はその一例で、陰陽二本の丸太と無数の五円硬貨と蝋燭等で、呪物性がかもし出されています。
- Anti-art in Japan tends to use pre-modern motifs. For example, this piece suggests occult fetshism by using things like candles, numerous five-yen coins, or two logs each symbolizing Yin and Yang.


2012-06-13 本頁作成。本文最後の段落の和文大幅改訂、英語未改訂。*2b1未記入。
2012-07-03 *2b1和文記入。

- *2b1の参照先に*1c1を追加。

- 和文決定できず。全体完成をともかく急ぐことにする。このページでは菊畑茂久馬の著書の引用箇所明示など、未。また、2b1の最後の文章はもちょっと練れるはず。

- “”→『』
- 注記箇所追加:2b2,2b3,3b4追加。本文英訳には影響ないと思います。
- 表記変更:引用箇所「片付けたんです→片づけたんです」。本文英訳には影響ないと思います。
- 表記変更:機関誌「九州派」→機関誌『九州派』。本文英訳には影響ないと思います。
- 表記変更:第二回街頭展→第2回街頭展。本文英訳には影響ないと思います。
- 訳確定後要再考:風倉匠? 3aでは風倉匠[風倉省作]。