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Book "AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition" on sale in Europe, "S/N," Art of the Heisei Period
[Now on Sale in the US!] Book on "AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition" by AIAARG
【米国販売開始!】『人工知能美学芸術展 記録集』編著発行:AI美芸研
- [Now on Sale in the US!] Book on "AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition" by AIAARGと題された英語+日本語のバイリンガルメールをAI美芸研メアドより日本語話者と英語話者に同報配信しました。
- English-Japanese bilingual email titled “[Now on Sale in the US!] Book on "AI Art & Aesthetics Exhibition" by AIAARG”has sent from AIAARG's email address to English / Japanese speakers.
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第31回AI美芸研+LIVE x DOMMUNE 「2020→90's DTM」
The 31st AIAAR Meeting + LIVE x DOMMUNE - "2020 > 90's DTM"
- 第31回AI美芸研+LIVE x DOMMUNE 「2020→90's DTM」と題された日本語メールをAI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 31st AIAAR Meeting + LIVE x DOMMUNE - "2020 > 90's DTM" (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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第30回AI美芸研 x DOMMUNE「自然ウイルス/コンセプチュアルウイルス」
The 30th AIAAR Meeting x DOMMUNE -"Natural Virus / Conceptual Virus"
- 第30回AI美芸研 x DOMMUNE「自然ウイルス/コンセプチュアルウイルス」と題された日本語メールをAI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 30th AIAAR Meeting x DOMMUNE -"Natural Virus / Conceptual Virus" (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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Book "Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition" Archive Collection (It's time to read!)
- 「書籍「人工知能美学芸術展」記録集(今こそ熟読を!)」と題された日本語メールをAI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- Book "Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition" Archive Collection (It's time to read!) (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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『人工知能美学芸術展 記録集』オンライン販売 @STORES.jp
"Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection" Available Online @STORES.jp
The 29th AIAAR Meeting "Commemoration of Publishing: AIAA Exhibition - Archive Collection" @Pepper Atelier Akihabara
『人工知能美学芸術展 記録集』オンライン購入
“Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection” Available Online
- お待たせしました!『人工知能美学芸術展 記録集』オンラインでの御購入は以下URLより可能です。 #AI美芸研 #AI美芸展
- Now available online: “Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection”
http://nadiff-online.com/?pid=148780253 (J)
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第28回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@NADiff a/p/a/r/t(2020-02-16)
The 28th AIAAR Meeting "Commemoration of Publishing: AIAA Exhibition - Archive Collection" @NADiff a/p/a/r/t
- 第28回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@NADiff a/p/a/r/t (英語) - AI美芸研メアドより英語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 28th AIAAR Meeting "Commemoration of Publishing: AIAA Exhibition - Archive Collection" @NADiff a/p/a/r/t - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to English speakers.
第28回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@NADiff a/p/a/r/t(2020-02-16)
The 28th AIAAR Meeting "Commemoration of Publishing: AIAA Exhibition - Archive Collection" @NADiff a/p/a/r/t
- 第28回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@NADiff a/p/a/r/t - AI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 28th AIAAR Meeting "Commemoration of Publishing: Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection" (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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Shocking AI Music Research @DOMMUNE! - Feb 12 (Wed)
- 驚愕の人工知能音楽研究@DOMMUNE!<2/12水> - AI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- Shocking AI Music Research @DOMMUNE! - Feb 12 (Wed) (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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The 27th AIAAR Meeting “Commemoration of Publishing: Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection”
- 第27回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@美学校(英語) - AI美芸研メアドより英語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 27th AIAAR Meeting “Commemoration of Publishing: Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection” - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to English speakers.
The 27th AI Art & Aesthetics Research Meeting “Commemoration of Publishing: Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection”@Bigakko
- 第27回AI美芸研「人工知能美学芸術展記録集出版記念」@美学校 - AI美芸研メアドより日本語話者に同報配信しました。
- The 27th AI Art & Aesthetics Research Meeting “Commemoration of Publishing: Artificial Intelligence Art and Aesthetics Exhibition - Archive Collection”@Bigakko (in Japanese) - Multiposted from AIAARG's email address to Japanese speakers.
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