現代美術史日本篇[1] 1945-1954 シュルレアリスムと多様性1a 1b ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレへの参加 1c 1d

Participating in La Biennale di Venezia





In 1951 Japan signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Security Treaty Between The United States and Japan, coming back to the international scene though limited to the West. And in the following 1952 Japan officially participated in La Biennale di Venezia for the first time, which exposed that the prewar system of Japanese art world was reestablished after the war just to find itself totally uncompetitive with the international one. The prewar system here is meant to be the co-existence of two genres "Japanese-style painting (Nihonga)" and "Western-style painting (Yoga)," of which the former aims to conserve the pre-modern Japanese aesthetic to modern times, while the latter strives to comprehend Western modern paintings in a Japanese way. Adding to these representing the domestic and the oversea within Japan, the system also included the co-existence of exhibitions run by the governmental and non-governmental organizations, reflecting the internal strife between the old and the new within Japanese "Western-style painting." For the Biennale, works of eleven artists were selected according to their seniority and shown at Venice to stand for each genre respectively*1b1.

However, no matter how gathering several pieces respectively from old masters whose peak had already passed a few decades ago, participation in the Biennale was hardly successful in claiming anything particularly Japan impressively. Other countries, on the contrary, succeeded in promoting their national prestige by exhibiting only a few young innovative artists with clear-cut concepts. Having experienced ignorance from the international arena, Japan started a series of try and error to overcome the failure from the second participation on. To introduce some other topics from this early period, completion of Japanese Pavilion and the artist MUNAKATA Shiko (棟方志功)'s grand-prix at printing in 1956, or the painter OKADA Kenzo (岡田謙三)'s winning the prize in 1958 were remarkable.

As a side note, the style of OKADA Kenzo (岡田謙三) came to be called "Yugenism" abroad for its introducing Japanese sensibility called Yugen into the style of American abstract expressionism, potentially subject to criticism that designates it nothing more than obeying Westerners' Orientalism or localizing the style of art in the USA. Still, ever since Japanese modernism from the Meiji period (1868-1912) was originated in combination of adoration for Western civilizations and adherence to domestic culture as its reversal, the twisted nationality in his work can be considered as representing the common issues that no Japanese painter can escape. Analogously, the duality of "Western-style painting" and "Japanese-style painting" within the art system in Japan derives from the same roots*1b2.


第26回ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ(1952年)の日本展示の出品者は以下の11名で、日本近代美術史を知る者にとっては錚々たる顔ぶれです。福田平八郎、福沢一郎、鏑木清方、川口軌外、小林古径、徳岡神泉、梅原龍三郎、山本丘人、安井曾太郎、横山大観、吉岡堅二 (ABC順)。
The eleven artists who participated in 26th La Biennale di Venezia 1952 were all big names for those familiar with Japanese modern art history: FUKUDA Heihachiro (福田平八郎), FUKUZAWA Ichiro (福沢一郎), KABURAKI Kiyotaka (鏑木清方), KAWAGUCHI Kigai (川口軌外), KOBAYASHI Kokei (小林古径), TOKUOKA Shinsen (徳岡神泉), UMEHARA Ryuzaburo (梅原龍三郎), YAMAMOTO Kyujin (山本丘人), YASUI Sotaro (安井曾太郎), YOKOYAMA Taikan (横山大観), YOSHIOKA Kenji (吉岡堅二) (alphabetical order).

Originally, the difference between "Western-style painting" and "Japanese-style painting" can also be found in materials used for each, as oil paints are identified as "Western" and glue paints (mineral pigments and glue) "Japanese." Reportedly, the concept "Japanese-style painting" was newly created by the chauvinistic nationalist during the 1880s as a reaction against emerging presence of "Western-style painting" since the Meiji Restoration in 1968.

岡田謙三 (1902-1982) / OKADA Kenzo / 作品 / Work / 昭和28年 / 1953 / 東京都現代美術館所蔵 / Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
- 岡田謙三は戦前、洗練された女性像を描いていましたが、1950年に画家としての方向性の転換を意図して渡米しました。
- OKADA Kenzo (岡田謙三) before the war used to paint sophisticated portraits of women, but he departed for the USA in 1950 to seek changes to his style.

東山魁夷 (1908-1999) / HIGASHIYAMA Kaii / 森のささやき / Whisper of the Woods / 昭和38年 / 1963 / 東京都現代美術館所蔵 / Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo
- 戦前戦中を通じて国粋美術と称揚された日本画は、敗戦直後には批判の矢面に立たされ、「日本画滅亡論」までささやかれました。日本画界が活気を盛り返したのは、日展日本画部に反旗を翻した「創造美術」の結成 (1948年) や、京都での「パンリアル美術協会」の結成 (1949年) によってでした。さらに日展内部でも東山魁夷が新風をもたらすホープとして登場し、没後の今日も広い国民的人気を得ています。
- Japanese-style painting, which had been praised as the patriostic art by the chanvinistic nationalist before and during the war, was forced to bear the brunt of criticism just after the defeat and even rumored to have become extinct as a genre. The art circles of the Japanese-style painting were enlivened again by the founding of "SOUZOU BIJUTSU" (art group) in 1948 against the Japanese-style painting section of NITTEN Exhibition, and of "Pan Real Art Association" in Kyoto in 1949. Furthermore, HIGASHIYAMA Kaii (東山魁夷) emerged as a hope to bring a breath of fresh air within the NITTEN Exhibition, who has still been popular among the nation today even after his death.


2012-05-30 本頁作成。

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