General instruction: horizontal lines from left to right: temporal progression
Vertical lines distance between top end of strings, slides( and left index finger in case of clarinet) and bottom end.
For Clarinet
Curvy lines of calligraphy, overlaid by an acetate musical staff, do not correspond with pitches or any tonalities but with the player's finger placements.
Finger placements are:
five lines denote five fingers of left hand from top to bottom with an order of thumb to little finger
four between-lines denote four fingers( index finger to little finger) of right hand, thickness of brush strokes can be interpreted as intensities of sound.
For Trombone
Curvy lines of calligraphy, overlaid by an acetate musical staff, do not correspond with pitches or any tonalities but with slides movements.
Either entire slide or part of it are equally divided in nine positions, which corresponds with five lines and four in-between lines of musical staff.
Thickness of brush stroke can be interpreted as: thickest stroke ==entire slide, thinnest == narrowest part of slide
For Guitar
The musical staff for guitar has 6 lines, same as the guitar strings, and the lines 6 divisions of either entire neck or part of the divisions, which you can decides as you wish. Use guitar without frets, either fretless guitar or using ring to avoid using frets.
Structural Graphs
Start from the point that the greek alphabets designate each insturment and follow the allow. I = sound O- silence,
Graph B: is for group, , , ,
are performers( for example is a flutist, tromonist, guitarist and text reader) .
I - sound O = silence
follow the arrows and if performers reach inside rectangle, then play as different(or opposite ) as possible from the notation. Inside means the area inside rectangle except the two half circle area.
Instruction Addendum:(or Joke)
The chain inside the rectangle is independent from chain outside and represents self of cogito, psychological, in short, faulty self of cogito.
This self fully accept simple perversion. (Lacan's example: A memoir of Abb de Choisie, translates cogito ergo sum into" When I am the man who wares women's dress therefore I exist.").