現代美術史日本篇[6] 1985-1994 再現芸術6a 6b 6c 6d 東京シミュレーショニズム(2)小沢剛と会田誠

Tokyo Simulationism (2) Tsuyoshi Ozawa and Makoto Aida





初日の日曜日は8名の参加作家と26組のゲストアーティストたちの総勢34組が、オープニング・アクトとして、銀座の歩行者天国の各所でパフォーマンスを繰り広げ、ビジュアル的にもインパクト的にも奇跡的な大成功を収めました。パフォーマンスの傾向はさまざまで、黒山の人だかりを集めた宇治野宗輝の「デコラティブツアー」やパルコキノシタ「辻絵描き」、巡査に連行されそうになった会田誠の「アート・コジキ・イン銀座」や中野渡尉隆「千円で後縁」、コンセプチュアルな飯田啓子の「宅急便」、実際にギンブラしたアロアロフサイ「A Day in Ginza」等、枚挙にいとまがありません。異変に気付いた警察が集結させた白バイ群も、安斎重男がしっかりカメラに収めました*6d2







【第一版ママ】The year 1993 started with the "fo(u)rtune" exhibition of Roentgen Kunst Institut supervised by Nishihara Min. The exhibition was arranged so that Ozawa Tsuyoshi and Nakanowatari Yasutaka performed in the first half of the exhibition period and Aida Makoto and Narumi Nobuhira took the latter half for the Quartet Art Show. Ozawa piled up many futons and made spectators climb up the piles of futons to see his collected works of the "Building Jizo Statues" (Jizo-ing). Aida exhibited the collection of his major early paintings all at once, and he carried out "Weak Body Performance" by lying on a futon and masturbating in front of his own picture.

【第一版ママ】When the Maralia Art Show opened in Harajuku, Tokyo, many people rushed to see the "Nakamura and Murakami" February 1st Festival, on the birthday of the two artists. In this exhibition Ozawa reproduced the "Clothes Pins" by Nakanishi Natsuyuki, and I performed a reproduction of "The Red Toilet of Waseda," Nakanishi's stage art. The term "reproductive art" was first appeared in the handouts I distributed*6d1, where I revealed the theoretical paradox of the reproductive art: "an empty feeling in reproducing avant-garde art with an advanced notice" and "a dissention from the original as soon as reproduction started." After all, I came to the conclusion that a reproduction was the process of making the old avant-garde a classic and detoxifying it. On February 27, Ujino Muneteru sponsored the exhibition, "Decorative" at the Maralia Art Show. Murakami produced a "faked Murakami Takashi." The reason why he was so particular about this was that he probably wanted to thoroughly realize the meaninglessness. On March 20, reproductions of Kojima Nobuaki's "Statue" and Kosugi Takehisa's "Music Instrument" were performed by Small Village Center at the International Contemporary Art Fair (NICAF) held at Pacifico Yokohama. On April 1, my solo exhibition, "A Naked Scrubbing Brush Special" started at Gallery Art Wad's, where a different event by a different guest artist was held every day in rotation.

【第一版ママ】Some kinds of such unprincipledness was put an end by the street exhibition "The Ginburart" planned by Nakamura Masato held in the entire area of Ginza, Tokyo from April 4 through April 18, which bundled up such unlimited diffusion at one sweep and changed the flow into the other direction. Eight artists participated in this exhibition. They were Ozawa Tsuyoshi, Peter Bellars, Murakami Takashi, Iwai Shigeaki, Shin Myeong Eun, Nishihara Min, Nakamura Masato and Iida Keiko. They were all requested to perform under their own responsibility in unprotected streets, not in places like protected galleries and museums. The name of the exhibition was made up of the words ginbura: strolling in Ginza and art. The handout pamphlet of the exhibition said that Ginza was a busy shopping area with an image of "consumption economy" and that, at the same t ime, it was famous for the rental gallery system as the center of "art," one week exhibition system, etc. which had formed the unique Japanese art style along with its closed-mindedness. The rough sketch was that "The Ginburart" was an offensive action against the rental galleries in Ginza, which Nakamura Masato and others regarded as the ringleader of all the problems in Japanese art scene, where Nakamura Nobuo once concluded in his book "Shonen Art" that there was no art world in Japan.

【第一版ママ】Sunday was the first day of the street exhibition, and 34 participants (8 participants in the exhibition and 26 guest artists) performed here and there as the opening reception on the vehicle-free promenade in Ginza. The exhibition was an unexpected big success both in a visual sense and in its impact on people. There were many kinds of performances. Ujino's "Decorative Tour" and Parco Kinoshita's "Street Painter" gathered a big crowd. Aida's "Art Beggar in Ginza" and Nakanowatari's "Goen with One Thousand Yen" lead the artists themselves almost to be taken away by police. Iida's "Courier Service" was conceptual, and Aloalo Fusai's "A Day in Ginza" was actually to do Ginbura. There were many more others which are not mentioned here. Anzai Shigeo surely took the pictures of a group of the white police motorcycles called in by the police worrying about the unusual situation in Ginza*6d2.

【第一版ママ】It seemed that the soil Murakami had been cultivating with his hoe of meaninglessness might have been changed by Nakamura's hoe of meaningfulness within only a day. Nakamura, who used to say, "There is no accidental thing in this world," saw that the Ginburart was an exhibition planned based on the absolute affirmative mind of acting. Tzara-like and Dadaistic Murakami and Breton-like and Surrealistic Nakamura came to face the decisive moment of the break up of their relationship.

【第一版ママ】Small Village Center's last performance was the "Umbrella Project," reproducing Christo at the Ginburart. Ozawa's "Nasubi Gallery" became a new art scene after the Ginburart was over.

【第一版ママ】Nasubi Gallery was Ozawa's art work exhibited as an exhibit in the Ginburart. It was produced with the intention to make a parody of "Nabis Gallery," a long-established rental gallery in Ginza (Nasubi means eggplant). The work which he called a gallery was a milk box whose inside was painted white*6d3. It was the work of an honor student responding by using the white cube ironically to represent the problem of "the rental galleries in Ginza" which Nakamura made reference to. However, Ozawa was too busy working on "Tengu Project" with Matsuhashi Mutsuo and performing with the Small Village Center on the opening day of the exhibition. So, the Nasubi Gallery for Ozawa himself was like the homework which has been done already.

【第一版ママ】Murakami, on the other hand, had announced at the Ginburart about his performance of a masochistic work "DPE" in which he was going to promote himself showing the files of his works to the galleries in Ginza. However, he had to hurriedly change the title of his performance to the "Day of Nothing, Banzai" because the opening day of the exhibition was Sunday and no gallery was open. Since Murakami was not going to carry out his "DPE" even after the opening day, he made Nakamura resentful.

【第一版ママ】So, Murakami eventually went to promote himself showing his files to Nasubi Gallery which is a gallery in Ginza. He successfully persuaded the gallery owner to hold his exhibition, "Murakami Takashi's Great Retrospective Exhibition" as the gallery's first exhibition, which was introduced in an informative magazine. The outcome was probably an unexpected one to Ozawa, Nakamura, and even to Murakami*6d4. In this way, Nasubi Gallery became an actual active gallery, and after Murakami's exhibition, many different artists held their exhibitions there. Tokyo Pop based on the world's smallest gallery had many experiences*6d5. It was once chased away by the owner of Nabis Gallery, and was almost removed on the occasion of the wedding of the Crown Prince. Moreover, it was moved to places such as Nagoya and Fukuoka by Ozawa, the owner of this gallery, when he held exhibitions in those cities*6d6.

【第一版ママ】Aida gathered to exhibit a collection of finished masterpiece paintings at the fo(u)rtunes, which did not guarantee him another opportunity to have another big exhibition right away. Always posing as having tendencies of masochism, gloominess and sexual perversion toward young girls, Aida had powerful painting techniques and memory of Japanese art history which made him a simulationistic multi-stylist able to apply different styles and concepts to each of his works. That pulled him up to hold an important position at Tokyo Pop.



【和文改変・英文2009年時点ママ】In April 1994, the second street exhibition planned by Nakamura and held in Shinjuku, Tokyo was named "Shinjuku Shonen Art," in which 85 artists or artist units participated. Despite no advanced notice to police or others, some kind of preestablished harmony appeared in a bad sense.




【和文軽度改変・英文初版ママ】"Nasubi Paper" from Ozawa came to be faxed at midnight and in the early morning, instead from Murakami. Contrary to the latter, Ozawa' s faxes produced a humorous taste because of their relaxed style of layout and warmness.


小沢剛 (1965- ) / OZAWA Tsuyoshi / 地蔵建立 - チベット(砂漠)、1993年8月22日 / Jizoing, Tibet (Desert), August 22, 1993 / 平成5年 / 1993
- 地蔵は仏教の信仰対象である地蔵菩薩のことで、日本では民間信仰として路傍に数多くの地蔵像が見られます。小沢剛の「地蔵建立」シリーズは世界各所で地蔵像を建て紺色のモノクロ写真で記録するプロジェクトで、最初期には3次元の塑像を作り現地に置いたとのことですがすぐにドローイングで代用するようになりました。この地蔵建立行為を彼は自らおかしみを込めて「ジゾイング」と英訳しました。
- Jizo is an object of religious faith of Buddhism, aka, Jizo-Bosatsu. There are many Jizo statues standing along roadsides in Japan. A series of Jizo-ing performed by Ozawa Tsuyoshi is the project of building Jizo statues in many places of the world and to file their navy blue monochrome photographs. At the very beginning of this project, he made three dimensional clay figures and placed them there, but soon replaced them with drawings.

会田誠 (1965- ) / AIDA Makoto / 巨大フジ隊員VSキングギドラ / The Giant Member Fuji versus King Gidora / 平成5年 / 1993 / 個人蔵 / Private Collection
- 本作は幅4m以上ある大きな作品ですが、会田誠の「虚弱肉体パフォーマンス」は本作の前に敷いた布団に彼自身がもぐって行われました。パフォーマンス後になされた自己解説によれば、本作のアイディアを思い立ちスケッチを小さな紙切れに描いたときには自分で興奮し、これを巨大に引き伸ばして描いたあかつきにはどんなに自慰ネタとして素晴らしいだろうかと想像したのだそうですが、実際に描き始めてみると作業は苦痛そのもので、全く感じなくなってしまったとのことです。パフォーマンスにおいても、案の定、所期の目的は達成できなかったとのこと。
- This painting is a large work more than 4m in width. Aida Makoto's "Weak Body Performance" was performed by himself, putting himself under the futon which was placed in front of this painting. According to his explanation made after his performance, he was excited when he got the idea of this erotic painting and made a sketch on a small piece of paper, imagining how wonderfully it would work as a help for his masturbation if he finished enlarging this piece into huge scale. However, the actual enlarging work was so painful that he could not get sexually excited at all. Also in his performance, he was not able to achieve his initial objectiv as he had expected to.



- 本頁作成。大幅改訂。英文未。

- *6d5 について:東京シミュレーショニズム、ネオポップという言い方もできる。中村と村上はポップというよりダダだったという見方をする場合は椹木の著書名でもあるシミュレーショニズムの語のほうがよい。本書では関西シーンとの対比と、続く小沢と会田を入れてもしっくりするという理由で、平塚市美の展覧会名ともなった東京ポップを採用。これは、筆者がダダとポップを連続的なものと捉えている史観にも拠っている。なお2013年くらいに池上裕子さんの論として、1960年代の横尾らサブカルとまたがるシーンを東京ポップと呼ぼうとする提唱もあることに注意。6a2と3dも参照。【済】
- *6d2に*7c1も参照と記入【済】。

- 会田誠に関しては、7a5も参照<20140929済

- 本文…変更箇所あまりなし。
- 注記…未記入箇所多い。特に6d5は上記参照。
- 作品解説…ほぼOK。
- 牛乳箱の説明にあてるとしていた注記の6d3を、中村上決裂の箇所にあてかえる:本文には影響なし。(Adrianの著書でも牛乳箱はたんに milk delivery box)
- タイトル内の単語変更:旧 東京ポップ→東京シミュレーショニズム Tokyo Pop → Tokyo Simulationism