..to Japanese

First Performance

Saturday, October 4, 1997
Students' Hall of Hosei University

Updated: Oct. 9, 1997

(The followings are what were informed by postcard.)

First performance of
"Japanese syllabic canons in three voices"
by Hideki Nakazawa

Four pieces of "Japanese syllabic canons in two voices"
and five pieces of "Japanese syllabic canons in three voices"
composed by Hideki Nakazawa will be performed
by Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus at Students' Hall of
Hosei University on October 4, 1997.

"Japanese syllabic canons in two voices" was performed
for the first time by Kyo Ichinose and Tonika Ichinose
at Gallery NW House on June 4, 1997.

"Japanese syllabic canons in three voices" is a new
work composed at Ms. Tomomi Adachi's request. It will
be the first performance this time.

These will be performed at The 2nd Music Merge Festival
as a part of the second day's program within the limited
performance time of Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus, who
is dubbed "Chorus of No Singing." Please enjoy them.

Fri., October 3, 1997. Opens at 6:00 p.m. Starts at 6:30 p.m.
Sat., October 4, 1997. Opens at 3:00 p.m. Starts at 3:30 p.m.
At students' Hall of Hosei University
2,500 yen for fund-raising campaign each day
*MUSIC MERGE FESTIVAL Executive Committee Ofic
0422-48-1746 / sonfa@tky2.3web.ne.or.jp
*The second day's performers: Leonid Soybelman+alpha, Chopped
Smile; *Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus &Tomomin Orchestra;
Guillotine Brothers' Guitar Banzai; JON ROSE'S TECHNO
MIT STORUNGEN. And Tomomi Adachi Royal Chorus will
perform around 5:00 p.m.
The firgure shown above is the musical score of the second piece
of "Japanese syllabic canons in three voices."

Recent Activities of Hideki Nakazawa (Supplement to the notice of the first performance of "Japanese syllabic canons in three voices.")
*Almost all the data for "Exhibition of Hideki Nakazawa" held at Gallery NW House in June, 1997, are now ready. A4-sized monochromic printed matters which will give you its simple outline are also available. Please let me know if you want some. It will be faxed to you. *"5000 Words of Artist Hideki Nakazawa" appears serially in "Advertisement" magazine by Hakuhodo. The title of No.1 is "Invention of New Word Processor for Japanese Language," No. 2 is "Bitmap and Object," No. 3 is "Introduction of 'Bitmap and Object'," and No. 4 is "Japanese Syllabic Polyphonies" Which Surpassed Sound Poetry," and so forth. The contents are related to the above-stated exhibition. *Ms. Kikuta of The Museum of Modern Art, Bologna, kindly took up the contents of my exhibition one evening in the serial lectures on media-art. She sent me a fax saying with enthusiasm that it had gotten a great response both in a visual side and a theoretical side. *I am now writing "Biographies of Super Artists: Western Part" (a temporary title). It is the rewrite of what were published serially in "Popeye" magazine. It will be published by Japan Mix Company by the end of 1997. *I had an illustration job for SWATCH. I designed the watch named "TOKYO MANGA" in CITYSCAPE series. They threw a party for me to give my autograph in their store in Hawaii last August. *My CD-ROM, "KIDS BOX," (Ask Kodansha Company) which won many prizes, was hybridized and now on sale in a new package. *A new version of tablet-corresponding "Digital Nendo" will be put on sale in near future. *Applied for patents of "Device for processing a three-dimensional image," "Solid object generation," and "Device for editing text." *"MARUTIME DIARY" is being published serially in "CD-ROM Fan" magazine. *In TigerMountain, a correction service of PC communications, "Senken Seminar" is being provided. (Ms. Ikematsu and others are tutoring.) *Such old products as "Text on Modern Art History," " Maximum-Icon Floppy," "Hideki Nakazawa's postcards," and so forth, are also available through the goods section of my company. *An interactive work of mine was installed permanently in Nagoya NADIA PARK. *I established Internet Server by my own company, but, regrettably, I have been too busy to renew my homepage. (September, 1997)

If you want some info DM, please let me know your name and address through the following mail address.

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    Copyright : (C)1997 HIDEKI NAKAZAWA / ALOALO INTERNATIONAL *Reproduction forbidden
    E-mail : nakazawa@aloalo.co.jp