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本書は、2004年1月17日から3月21日まで東京都現代美術館で行われた展覧会「MOTアニュアル2004 私はどこからきたのか/そしてどこへ行くのか」への出品作として書き始められたものです。同展の企画者である学芸員の関直子氏が、美術史書を執筆し展覧会の出品作とすることを念頭に、私に声をかけてくださいました。
2008年1月7日 中ザワヒデキ
About This Book
This book was written in conjunction with the exhibition "MOT Annual 2004: Where do I come from? / Where am I going?" which was held between January 17th and March 21st in 2004 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo. Seki Naoko, the planner and curator for this exhibition, asked me if I can write an art history book with the intention of exhibiting it at the exhibition.
The book was not ready by the time of the exhibition and a tentative version was exhibited at the exhibition. The book was revised weekly, but I was not able to complete this book by the end of the exhibition. The writing continued, but as an artist, I had placed a priority on the production of my artworks. The writing did not progress, and this has caused considerable disappointment for those who have already put in reservations for this book and to those who were involved with the publishing of this book. I would like to take this opportunity to express my apology for the disappointment and trouble this may have caused.
With the initial intent of exhibiting this book, most of the plates, figures and illustrations in this book were chosen from the possessions of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo. Other than those that have sources in captions or the (C) mark, all the rest of them are the possession of the museum. Permission to use the plates, figures and illustrations in this book has been obtained from the copyright owners by 2003, and I would like to express my gratitude to them.
The tentative version that was exhibited at the museum was a small size version with Yoshinaka Taizo's "The Inhabitant of the Earth," which is a masterpiece owned by the museum, on the cover. But after the exhibition, I have been pondering over whether to continue with the writing and publishing the book, and after I decided to do so, I decided to do a book in larger size with my work on the cover. I have also decided to upload the text version of this book without the plates on my website.
The English translation and English text consultants for this book were Aya Ogawa, Oribe Harutaka, Susquehanna Corporation, Nakazawa Rubiko and Technoame Co., Ltd. The overall supervision was done especially by Oribe Harutaka.
Contacts to copyright holders and production of the tentative version were done by Uemura Asako and Fujita Chisai.
I have received consultation from Nishizawa Midori, Takeda Miwako and Kaji Mitsuhiro on the publishing of this book and have received advices and encouragements from them as well.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Seki Naoko, the curator at Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, who first brought up the idea of writing a book and provided support for this book, and also to the then curator at the museum, Kasahara Michiko.
I have also received advices and encouragements from many other people and would like to express my gratitude to them as well.
January 7, 2008 Nakazawa Hideki