Hideki Nakazawa

Open Studio at ISCP in December, 2002

US$2.84 Which Consists of 220 Coins (Money Amount No. 26), 2002
US$12.10 Which Consists of 1184 Coins (Money Amount No. 27), 2002
US$29.24 Which Consists of 2620 Coins (Money Amount No. 28), 2002
US$55.64 Which Consists of 5020 Coins (Money Amount No. 29), 2002
US$63.68 Which Consists of 6232 Coins (Money Amount No. 30), 2002
US$108.56 Which Consists of 10744 Coins (Money Amount No. 31), 2002
284 Grams Which Consists of 220 Weights (Mass No. 6), 2001
Set No. 1 Which Consists of 511 Natural Numbers, 2001
Set No. 2 Which Consists of 1022 Natural Numbers, 2001
Set No. 3 Which Consists of 180 Palindromic Numbers, 2002
Different-Pixel Arrangement No. 1 in 37 Long by 75 Wide, 2000
Single Curved Line with 654 Inflection Points, 2001
Circuit No. 1 of a Regular Tetrahedron Type, 2002
Circuit No. 2 of a Regular Hexahedron Type, 2002
Circuit No. 3 of a Regular Octahedron Type, 2002