{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 121, 212, 232, 323, 343, 434, 454, 545, 565, 656, 676, 767, 787, 878, 898, 989, 1001, 1221, 2112, 2332, 3223, 3443, 4334, 4554, 5445, 5665, 6556, 6776, 7667, 7887, 8778, 8998, 9889, 12321, 21012, 23432, 32123, 34543, 43234, 45654, 54345, 56765, 65456, 67876, 76567, 78987, 87678, 98789, 123321, 210012, 234432, 321123, 345543, 432234, 456654, 543345, 567765, 654456, 678876, 765567, 789987, 876678, 987789, 1234321, 2345432, 3210123, 3456543, 4321234, 4567654, 5432345, 5678765, 6543456, 6789876, 7654567, 8765678, 9876789, 12344321, 23455432, 3210123, 34566543, 43211234, 45677654, 54322345, 56788765, 65433456, 67899876, 76544567, 87655678, 98766789, 123454321, 234565432, 345676543, 432101234, 456787654, 543212345, 567898765, 654323456, 765434567, 876545678, 987656789, 1234554321, 2345665432, 3456776543, 4321001234, 4567887654, 5432112345, 5678998765, 6543223456, 7654334567, 8765445678, 9876556789, 12345654321, 23456765432, 34567876543, 45678987654, 54321012345, 65432123456, 76543234567, 87654345678, 98765456789, 123456654321, 234567765432, 345678876543, 456789987654, 543210012345, 654321123456, 765432234567, 876543345678, 987654456789, 1234567654321, 23456787654321, 3456789876543, 6543210123456, 7654321234567, 8765432345678, 9876543456789, 12345677654321, 23456788765432, 34567899876543, 65432100123456, 76543211234567, 87654322345678, 98765433456789, 123456787654321, 234567898765432, 765432101234567, 876543212345678, 987654323456789, 1234567887654321, 2345678998765432, 7654321001234567, 8765432112345678, 9876543223456789, 12345678987654321, 87654321012345678, 98765432123456789, 123456789987654321, 876543210012345678, 98765432123456789, 9876543210123456789, 98765432100123456789 }

Set No. 3 which consists of 180 palindromic numbers
by Hideki Nakazawa, 2002

cf. Set No. 1 which consists of 511 natural numbers
cf. Set No. 2 which consists of 1022 natural numbers
Bulletin "Method"
Works exhibited in the bulletin